Extract Chip Code

Extract Chip Code

When extract code from Chip, there may be some experiments need to carry out, for example, through the measurement of chip surface laser scanning result can generate the photon current to establish a piece of activated area descriptive drawing when extract chip code.

Place the chip onto the electrical automation platform with 0.1 micron to extract code and we can see the great current generated from the activated area, but most of them have been covered by the metal layer and laser fail to penetrate, so these areas can’t generate any current when extract chip code from them.

The next experiment is working on the operating chip, since the chip has been programmed, chip extractor can load any value into the RAM and then pause the chip operation. Scanning the chip memorizer unit with loaded code we can see the different status of chip memorizer units, if the content is “1” then the top layer is light if the content is “0” then the bottom layer is dark.

Our experiment result on the chip code extraction is quite similar to the result issued by SANDIA LABS but the process is quite different. We replace the constant current from chip with top layer scanning, and we use constant voltage to provide the power supply, like the standard power consumption analysis to measure the current if extract chip code.

If the critical code coincidently emerge on the same location clearly on the clock cycle, then chip extractor can deduce and frozen this status, this chip code extraction method can be physically such as low temperature or other methods to pause the clock, then the chip extractor can use optical or electromagnetic probe technology to extract the code from chip. No matter for technology or facility investment can be much less then the invasive chip code extraction method.