Reading Out MCU PIC16F88 Flash

We can Reading Out MCU PIC16F88 Flash, please view the MCU PIC16F88 features for your reference:

A clock polarity option is provided for Microwire compatability. Clock polarity is selected with the SCKP bit of the BAUDCTL register. Setting the SCKP bit sets the clock Idle state as high. When the SCKP bit is set, the data changes on the falling edge of each clock when  read out mcu flash.

Clearing the SCKP bit sets the Idle state as low. When the SCKP bit is cleared, the data changes on the rising edge of each clock. Data is transferred out of the device on the RX/DT pin. The RX/DT and TX/CK pin output drivers are automatically enabled when the EUSART is configured for synchronous master transmit operation if  read out mcu flash.

A transmission is initiated by writing a character to the TXREG register. If the TSR still contains all or part of a previous character the new character data is held in the TXREG until the last bit of the previous character has been transmitted before read out mcu flash.

Reading Out MCU PIC16F88 Flash
Reading Out MCU PIC16F88 Flash

If this is the first character, or the previous character has been completely flushed from the TSR, the data in the TXREG is immediately transferred to the TSR. The transmission of the character commences immediately following the transfer of the data to the TSR from the TXREG after  read out mcu flash.

Each data bit changes on the leading edge of the master clock and remains valid until the subsequent leading clock edge. Initialize the SPBRGH, SPBRG register pair and the BRGH and BRG16 bits to achieve the desired baud rate (see Section 12.3 “EUSART Baud Rate Generator (BRG)”) when read out mcu flash.

Enable the synchronous master serial port by setting bits SYNC, SPEN and CSRC. Disable Receive mode by clearing bits SREN and CREN. Enable Transmit mode by setting the TXEN bit. If 9-bit transmission is desired, set the TX9 bit. If interrupts are desired, set the TXIE, GIE and PEIE interrupt enable bits in the process of ic breaking.

Data is received at the RX/DT pin. The RX/DT and TX/CK pin output drivers are automatically disabled  when the EUSART is configured for synchronous master receive operation before read out mcu flash.

In Synchronous mode, reception is enabled by setting either the Single Receive Enable bit (SREN of the RCSTA register) or the Continuous Receive Enable bit (CREN of the RCSTA register).