Secured Chip PIC18F452 Program Extraction

Secured Chip PIC18F452 Program Extraction include several steps which include decapsulate the microcontroller PIC18F452, locate the security fuse bits and then disable it by focus ion beam and recover MCU program and data from the memory.

Secured Chip PIC18F452 Program Extraction include several steps which include decapsulate the microcontroller PIC18F452, locate the security fuse bits and then disable it by focus ion beam and readout MCU program and data from the memory.

Each ports have two interrupts with seperate priority and interrupt vector. All pins on the port can be individually selected as source for each of the interrupts. The interrupts are then triggered according to the input sense configuration for each pin configured as source for the interrupt.

In addition to the input/output functions on all port pins, most pins have alternate functions. This means that other modules or peripherals connected to the port can use the port pins for their functions, such as communication or pulse-width modulation. “Pinout and Pin Functions” on page 48 shows which modules on peripherals that enables alternate functions on a pin, and what alternate functions that is available on a pin when extract heximal from microchip mcu pic16f870.

  • Eight 16-bit Timer/Counters

– Four Timer/Counters of type 0

– Four Timer/Counters of type 1

Four Compare or Capture (CC) Channels in Timer/Counter 0

Two Compare or Capture (CC) Channels in Timer/Counter 1

Double Buffered Timer Period Setting

Double Buffered Compare or Capture Channels

Waveform Generation:

– Single Slope Pulse Width Modulation

– Dual Slope Pulse Width Modulation

– Frequency Generation

Input Capture:

– Input Capture with Noise Cancelling

– Frequency capture

– Pulse width capture

– 32-bit input capture

Event Counter with Direction Control

Timer Overflow and Timer Error Interrupts and Events if program of microchip pic16LF872 being copied

One Compare Match or Capture Interrupt and Event per CC Channel

Supports DMA Operation

Hi-Resolution Extension (Hi-Res)

Advanced Waveform Extension (AWEX)

XMEGA A1 has eight Timer/Counters, four Timer/Counter 0 and four Timer/Counter 1. The difference between them is that Timer/Counter 0 has four Compare/Capture channels, while Timer/Counter 1 has two Compare/Capture channels before code of mcu PIC16LF870 has been extracted.

The Timer/Counters (T/C) are 16-bit and can count any clock, event or external input in the microcontroller. A programmable prescaler is available to get a useful T/C resolution. Updates of Timer and Compare registers are double buffered to ensure glitch free operation. Single slope PWM, dual slope PWM and frequency generation waveforms can be generated using the Compare Channels.

Through the Event System, any input pin or event in the microcontroller can be used to trigger input capture, hence no dedicated pins is required for this. The input capture has a noise canceller to avoid incorrect capture of the T/C, and can be used to do frequency and pulse width measurements.

A wide range of interrupt or event sources are available, including T/C Overflow, Compare match and Capture for each Compare/Capture channel in the T/C. PORTC, PORTD, PORTE and PORTF each has one Timer/Counter 0 and one Timer/Counter1. Notation of these Timer/Counters are TCC0 (Time/Counter C0), TCC1, TCD0, TCD1, TCE0, TCE1, TCF0, and TCF1, respectively.