Extract IC Code

Extract IC Code
Extract IC Code

Extract IC Code methods can be divided into three different kinds, they are include invasive MCU Crack method, invasive Microcontroller Unlocking need to reverse engineering to analyze the internal structure, and extract the netlist and schematic;

non-invasive IC Breaking method has the lowest cost because most of them use the un-brutal force extract to extract firmware from IC, the last method which the shortest history and just be introduced is semi-invasive IC code extract.

For example, Use semi-invasive Read Microcontroller ATMEGA64 Eeprom method to analyze the various security features of an IC, many IC manufacturers start to use anti-ultra violet radiation protection which makes it very difficult to locate the security fuse and extract its code.

Invasive MCU Cracking which involve the reverse engineering technology need to invest great amount of money. However, the new semi-invasive IC extract method such as the laser scanning and faulty injection method can help us to locate the security fuse in the proper time frame such as in the process of Extract IC ATmega8 Code.

Extract IC Code
Extract IC Code

Use laser scanning technology to analyze the IC, scanning a already power on IC with laser can help to locate the security fuse which beyond the memorizer.

There are two kinds scanning methods when Extract Chip ATmega8L Firmware: one is for the activation of security features; the other is shield the security features.

After the comparison of two scanning method, IC extracter can know which transistors status have been modified. Except the CPU memorizer and SRAM memorizer, the rest is what IC extracter seeking for.